Jon Person is 17 years old and this year he competed in the worlds championship in Freestyle kayaking. Jon comes from a small village called Dala-Floda and he has always been looking for new adventures. Kayaking quickly became his favourite sport and he is currently part of the Swedish national team.

Jon is also studying a special adventure education at the highschool in Älvdalen, and he is enjoying everyday. Jon tells me that this education has really giving him the possibility to learn and experience so many different aspects of the outdoors. I ask him how he would describe the word outdoor: “it is a bit hard but I would say that it is about the love to the nature. The feeling of just wanting to get out there” he says.

And what is your best memory? “Nipfjället, he says. Just when I started my education, the whole class went to a trip up to Nipfjället. The trekk was great, but the best part was simply the time spent together with all my classmates, making dinner at the campsite. Spending time with friends and great people outside, that’s what I value the most”

Product tested: Ljung pants.

You can follow Jon on instagram @jonperssonadventure