We love being outdoors and we love gear. Our idea is simply to combine the two with the mission to create honest, uncomplicated and functional gear from carefully selected and responsibly made materials. By doing this we have an obligation, a responsibility for what create. But this responsibility does not only include us, it also includes you. It starts with us and ends with us, but in-between you are a part of this responsibility. You are responsible for taking care of your gear while using it and, depending what actions you take, the gear can last much much longer.
Our aim is to guide you to buy better, use your gear longer and change the way we all consume products.
Levels of responsibility.
To give a better overview we have divided the responsibilities into 4 levels. These 4 levels follow the life of a product and the loads of tips and tricks for both you and us will prolong the product’s life and make sure nothing ends up where it does not belong.

Level 1, a new product.
We work hard on sourcing the best materials and suppliers that we possibly can and we constantly have an eye out for better alternatives. But we also believe that it is very important to include you, the user, from the start. We believe that if you are given the opportunity to take part, influence and follow the product journey from idea to production, you will value the product even more, care for its longevity and make sure it can follow you on as many adventures as possible.
Read about the lastest development on our development pin board, here.

Level 2, care.
We put all our passion into our products and they are built to last, however they still need some tender, love and care while being used.

Level 3, repair.
Although we aim to make the products as durable as possible, something might break along the way. As the very first step we recommend mending it to the best of your abilities. There are many different damages that can occur to a garment such as tear, hole, broken component or torn thread.

Level 4, trade-in.
We bear the ultimate responsibility for what we produce and it will always be our responsibility no matter how old a Norra product may be. That is why we now are initiating a trade-in service, a function that hopefully will minimize the risk of NORRA products ending up in the wrong place once they are not being used any more.