This is Patrik and he knows everything there is to know about sunrises. He lives in Tåbäcken, a very small Swedish village close to Storfors. His greatest passion is to capture the beauty of the sun when nature is just about to wake up.

“All my pictures start with me keeping track of the weather. It almost feels like I am a meteorologist”, he tells me with a smile.
“I normally set the clock about 1,5 hours before the sun rises and I photograph almost exclusively sunrise as I love how quiet everything is in the morning. It is often dark when I go out. To meet the first light that comes in the morning is unbeatable. The silence is magic”, he continues.

Not very surprising, Patriks most memorable outdoor memory includes the sun. He even got it on picture, right here:

And he tells me he even had to pinch his arm as he could not believe the beautiful scenery. “It was almost like the time stod still.”

I ask him: If you only could pick one place to visit, where would it be and why? “My home and the nature around it”, he says.
"It is so easy to forget what’s close by, and there are so many beautiful things to see as long as you let the nature show you”, he ends.

Product tested: Vide fleece.

You can follow Patrik on instagram @naturfotograf_patriknylen