
Även om vi strävar efter att göra produkterna så hållbara som möjligt händer det ibland att något kan gå sönder längs vägen. Som det allra första steget rekommenderar vi att laga det efter bästa förmåga. Oftast räcker det nål och tråd.

Nedan finns några enkla DIY-guider. En trasig tråd eller litet hål? även en trasig dragkedja kan fixas utan alltför mycket besvär.

Hittar du inte hjälpen du behövde? Inga bekymmer, vi är här för att hjälpa dig. Ibland kan en reservdel göra susen eller till och med en tyglapp. Tveka inte att kontakta oss på

En reva.

Har du varit ute i taggig terräng och fått en reva i tyget? Inga problem! Laga den med lite tyg och tråd.

Saker du behöver för reparationen:

En tygbit, Tråd, Nål, Sax.

1. Klipp tygbiten i en lämplig storlek för revan.
2. Pin the patch to the garment. Preferably behind the outer shell of the garment.
3. Take your thread and put it into the needle. Make a knot on the end of the thread so it sticks to the fabrics.
4. Stitch around the hole so the patch sticks to the garment. 5. Cut off the excess thread! 6. Done! Go out and enjoy the repaired garment!
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A loose thread.

Unluckily had a few stitches breaking up? Needle and thread is that is needed.


Things you need for the repair:

Thread, Needle, Scissor.

1. Take your thread and put it into the needle. Make a knot on the end of the thread so it sticks to the fabrics.
2. Put two layers of stitches where the original thread have loosened up.
3. Cut off the excess thread!
4. Done! Go out and enjoy the repaired garment! 
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A hole.

Natural fibers are not only loved by us, unfortunately some bugs and insects too. Often revealed by small holes in a merino sweater. Keep merino wool stored in closed containers and if you get a small hole, fix it with needle and thread.


Things you need for the repair:

Thread, Needle, Scissor.

1. Find a thread in the colour of your garment.
2. Get a thin needle suitable for the fabric of your garment.
3. Pull the thread through the needle and tie a knot at the end.
4. Now start sewing the hole closed by stitching 2-3 mm above and below the hole and closing the hole shut. 
5. Tie off the thread by fixing it again with a knot, so the thread won’t become loose. 6. Done! Go out and enjoy the repaired garment!
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A zipper slider.

Sliding does zipper sliders up and down too many times? A common problem could be a failing slider. Might seem like a hassle to replace but the truth is you only need a couple of pliers and a replacement slider.


Things you need for the repair:

Slider, Zipper stop, Plier, Micro Shear.

1. First, cut of the zipper stop with a micro shear on the side where the head of the zipper is located. 2. Pull out the zipper slider. 
3. Attach a new zipper slider into the zipper. 4. Test zipper to see if it is working. 
5. Use a plier to bend on the new zipper stop on the top of the zipper. 6. Done! Go out and enjoy the repaired garment!
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