
Following up and making adjustments.

It has been a while since our last post. There are so many things happening at the same time right now, but finally we are able to give you an update! 

We want to give you a short recap on what happened with the prototype-tests that was carried out during the summer. The Ljung pants have been tested all the way from Greenland to Töfsingdalen.

One thing that makes us extremely happy is that everyone really likes the pants! The positive feedback has been quite overwhelming and we feel even more confident that the Ljung pants are as good as we wanted them to be.

As always, everyone has their own opinions on how a product should function and look, and that’s why we feel that these tests are so important. Getting to understand the different perspectives and views on functions and details helps us a lot with the product development.


The main thing that we have worked on after the tests, and have made some adjustments to, is the sizing. There are many challenges starting up this type of production from zero. Because of the high quality fabric we want to use and the high standards of production we require, one of the challenges are production. We need to order a very large amount of pants from the factory we want to work with, to make it worth the effort for them. We are an unknown brand, with only one product so far, but we still want to try and cover as many sizes as possible including two leg lengths on each size.

Smaller but equally important details that we have improved are the waist belt loops and some parts of the zip-pullers.

We are working on putting together more stuff from our test persons: Stina, Sofia @fjalldrottningen, Thomas @outdoor_sweden and Peter @outnbeyond. 

Also, make sure to sign up for our newsletter for the latest news and to be the first to know when we release the pants on kickstarter!

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