spread sheet

The Launch.

As you might know we are currently working on our first product, a classic outdoor pant.

Features are being designed, materials are being sourced and trims are being developed. Pattern and prototypes are being made and relations with production partners is being established. More info to come on all of that along the way.

Now I just wanted to take the opportunity to share bit on how we plan to layout the launch strategy. One really important part of this journey is you. We want you to be apart of this already from the beginning. That is why we are trying to share as much as we can along the way. We want to get your feedback, experience and support into this project from the start.

However designing and developing a product is just a small first step. To be able to take the second step and get this project of the ground we also very much depend on your support. To produced this outdoor pant in the right way we need to buy quite large volumes. Larger volumes then what we can finance our self and this is where we need your help and support again along the way.

Once the product is ready we need to secure a set number of preorders to be able to place the first production order. The plan is to launch the pant via the crowdfund platform Kickstarter (www.kickstarter.com). Kickstarter is a great platform where we can set up a launch campaign and take preorders from. If everything goes as we have planned the kickstarter campaign will be launched this summer.

If you want to stay in touch or learn more, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Yours Jacob

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